
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Why do we fill our heads with garbage? I just saw the Hangover 2. Now, I'm not saying that it wasn't a good movie and I'm not saying that it wasn't funny, because it was pretty funny.

What I am saying, is why do we go to the movies in the first place? Socially, it is an excellent way to spend time with others without interacting too much (unless you get there early and talk before the movie). However, for people who know each other pretty well, that is a moot point. They might see the movie simply for the movie. So what can be said of the latter group?

On a spiritual level, there is much that comes into question. Why do we spend that time at the theater enjoying the same movie twice (Hangover 2 was great, but as my friend put it, "they went out of their way to make the exact same movie")? And now, money is losing it's value. At the risk of sounding old, I remember when movies cost like, 8 bucks (I think...)!

What I am really trying to get at is that I believe we are what we eat, and that includes the pabulum we feed our minds. So, accordingly, it is necessary to feed our minds mostly wholesome food, with the occasional dessert. For the most part, I think I fill my mind with good things.

Things I mostly feed my mind (consciously) in no particular order and by no means exhaustively listed:
  • Devotional music
  • Rock music
  • Classical music
  • Comedic music
  • Pornography
  • NPR
  • Other radio stations, mostly classical (rock and the original stuff)
  • Conversations with family, friends
  • Classes at Hofstra University
  • Assignments from class
  • Internship experiences
  • Guitar practice and playing (occasionally playing for meditation groups and retreats)
  • Occasional retreats and meetings with my teacher(s)
  • Spiritual Scripture
  • Inspirational Movies and TV (Kung Fu Panda, Avatar [the TV show, dammit], the Shawshank Redemption, etc.)
  • Comedy movies and TV (ya know, stuff)
  • Exercise (yoga, running, and occasionally Tai Chi or sex)
  • Sex
  • The grace of God
  • Meditation
That's a lot, and it is by no means everything. However, it is meant to show that mostly, I fill my mind with good things (the porn is probably not so great...and let's not overlook NPR...JK guys!...but not about the porn, that's definitely so so). So then as a spiritual aspirant, is it appropriate to stir in a drop of poison in the pure water? Isn't that still poisoned water?

Now, I've been down the path of fanatical fundamentalism, believing very deeply in what I read, and that usually leads to a lot of suffering. Just because I've been told to only have good company, does not mean that I must turn completely from the darkness. If I did, I would miss half of the fun! This world is light and dark, and part of being human is coming to terms with the darkness within us and accepting ourselves fully. We are not pure beings of light, even though we are.

Have your dessert, but remember, enough sugar will give anyone diabetes. Feed your mind mostly good company, inspirational/spiritual teachings/scriptures/TV/movies/music, and acceptance, and every once in a while, I'm sure it's okay to see a movie that isn't so wholesome.