
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brad Yates and the Dalai Lama

In the coming months I have seemingly endless possibilities to look forward to. The Dalai Lama will be in town and if I can afford to, I'll see him speak in Radio City Music Hall. There are no tickets on the official site, but I've checked stubhub and other scalper (for lack of a better word) sites, and now it's just a matter of affording the cost.

Another VIP, hypnotherapist Brad Yates, will be in NYC in June. I came in contact with his work in California when I volunteered for Ananda Marga. My dear friend, Rebecca, has met him (I think) and followed his work, so I checked him out and found his work rewarding (and free!).

I just came back from a retreat in Plainsfield, MS, and I feel really inspired. I met with my meditation teacher, Acarya' Cirasmita' (that's ah-CHAR-YAH cheer-as-mee-TAH), or just "Didi." She helps me steer my boat straight, as it were. I am aware of a pattern I've created, which is to eat heavy, static foods starting in the dead of winter (stuff like garlic and eggs, maybe fish, but never meat) and by Spring when I meet with Didi I quit it and return to my practices. I also tend to get more and more lax with my practices (e.g. meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and dancing). Now is the time to remember, that I am here for a purpose. Sometimes that vision is clouded but to make it clear: I am here to raise my brethren from the darkness of themselves and to rise with them, into the light of Life, The Truth.

I send my Love and Light to all my brothers and sisters around the world, first, to my friends whom I love the most, next, my family, and then to all people I know, and finally, to all citizens of this universe. We are all Brahma. Let light shed in the darkness, let ego be restrained and harnessed, and let all beings find balance and spiritual victory. Parampitababaki, Jai!

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